“稻米粮中宝,源流万年长;足迹遍全球,中华是故乡。”稻米是全世界半数以上人民的主要食粮,稻谷的种植面积和总产量仅次于小麦,为世界粮食作物第二位。我国以种植稻谷最早、种值面积最大而著称于世。 1973年在浙江省余姚县河姆渡发掘出新石器时代的稻谷、谷壳、茎秆和稻叶的遗体,它们是迄今发现的世界上最古老的水稻。单是发现新石器时代的水稻遗体,全国已有二十多处。这充分证明至少在五千多年前,我国南北大地就已经遍地稻花香了。
“Rice is rich in grain and has a long history of origin; it has a footprint all over the world and China is home.” Rice is the staple food for more than half of the people in the world. Its paddy area and total output are second only to wheat and the second highest in the world for food crops . Our country is the earliest to grow rice, the largest species area known. In 1973, the remains of the Neolithic rice, chaff, stalks and rice leaves were excavated in Hemudu, Yuyao County, Zhejiang Province. They are by far the oldest rice found in the world. The discovery of Neolithic rice remains alone has more than twenty. This fully proves that at least five thousand years ago, the earth in both China and South Korea had been smelling rice.