“理想夫妻”OR“恶梦夫妻” 公式推断政要婚姻稳定指数

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传统上来说,夫妻间婚姻关系能否长久要看两人的吸引力、忠诚度、包容心和是否深爱彼此等“内部因素”。但根据报道,欧洲科学家进行的一项不怎么浪漫的调查却显示,夫妻的年龄、教育程度和婚史等“外因”对婚姻也有极其重要的影响,并由此总结出关系最稳定的“理想伴侣”需要符合的标准。如果单纯依照此标准,刚刚上任的英国首相卡梅伦和妻子将成为全球政治圈中的最佳范例,而日本首相鸠山由纪夫也许没有几天家庭生活可以过了…… Traditionally, the long-term marital relationship between husband and wife depends on their attractiveness, loyalty, tolerance and love each other “internal factors ”. However, according to reports, a less romantic survey conducted by European scientists shows that couples’ age, education level, and marital history also have an extremely important influence on marriage and thus conclude that the relationship is the most stable “Ideal partner ” need to meet the standards. If solely by this criterion, the newly appointed British Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife will be the best examples in the global political circle, and Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama may not be able to live a few days in family life ...
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