一五八一年,耶稣会遣意大利籍传教士罗明坚和利玛窦二人浮海东来中土,起先卜居澳门学习中文,其后谋入内地传教,经向地方官吏“赠送厚礼”后,利玛窦得以在广东肇庆建立教堂。为了入乡随俗,他披起了和尚的袈裟。这位利和尚的庙里没有菩萨,却特设一个接待室,里面摆置着时钟、时咎、浑天仪及一副用汉文标明的世界舆图。为了迎合中国士大夫的自大心理,利玛窦故意把本初子午线的投影位置转移,把中国放在正中。于是,观者大悦。 一五九四年起,利玛窦改穿儒服,饰儒冠,自称是
In 1981, Jesse sent two Italian missionaries, Luo Mingjian and Ricci, eastward to Middle-earth, first to study Chinese in Macao, and later to seek missionary advice in the Mainland. After giving a gift to local officials, Ricci was able to establish a church in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. As the Romans do, he drapes the monk’s shackles. There is no Buddha in the Leh monk’s temple, but an ad hoc reception room with clocks, blame, armillary spheres, and a map of the world marked in Chinese. In order to cater to the arrogance of Chinese doctors, Ricci deliberately shifted the projection of the prime meridian to the center of China. So, the audience Yue. Since 1594, Ricci changed his name to Confucianism, Confucianism and Confucianism