A person has two brains, left and right brain in the human body is very clear division of labor .Left brain is to understand the language and logic of the hub, while the right brain is to accept the music, the image of the center.Right brain dominate the left hand, left foot, Left ear and other body of the left half of the body nerves and sensations, while the left brain dominated the right half of the nerve and feeling Japan had a pianist performing on television while playing the piano with his left hand while scrambled eggs with his right hand. So the left brain commands the right hand to complete; and the piano is a non-logical intuitive behavior, so the right brain plays a role, the command of the left hand to complete the scientific workers generally think of the right brain as “imitating the brain”; the left brain Known as the “digital brain.” These two brains work together in a coordinated manner when thinking and remembering. It is noteworthy that the current school education in our country is neat and uniform. There is only one correct answer to this question Is a numerical, logical-based approach to learning; it is almost a complete “left-brain world.” The biggest drawback to this learning approach is that it can make quite a difference