福州市地处亚热带气候,位于北纬26°04′~26°09,′东经119°01~119°08,′属于冬季短、暖热湿润的亚热带气候,年平均温度在19·6℃~28·6℃,年降雨量1 250~1 750 mm,汛期4~9月份,降雨量占全年降雨量的74%,相对湿度平均为77%,适宜虫媒孳生与繁殖,是虫媒病的易发地区。1999年和2
Fuzhou is located in a subtropical climate located at latitude 26 ° 04 ’~ 26 ° 09N and longitude 119 ° 01 ~ 119 ° 08E, belonging to a subtropical climate with short winter, warm and humid climate, annual average temperature of 19.6 ℃ ~ 28 · 6 ℃, annual rainfall of 1 250 ~ 1 750 mm, flood season from April to September, rainfall accounted for 74% of annual rainfall, relative humidity average of 77%, suitable for insect breeding and breeding insects is vector Easy to area. 1999 and 2