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马来西亚华人文学与中国密不可分,早期的马华作家大部来自中国,他们强烈地以中国为依归。马来西亚独立后,文学本地化的观念也确定了下来,经过一段复杂的感情转换,华人群体从对原乡的依恋,转向对马来西亚国土的认同。但是从独立到今天已经50年,华人感受日渐被边缘化,也促使马华文学内在的认同感逐渐松散。华人参与建国的历史随着时间一一抹去,只留下模糊的印记。本文试图梳理马华文学为华人社群参与建国保留的记忆。 Chinese literature in Malaysia is inextricably linked with China. Most of the early MCA writers came from China, and they are strongly dependent on China. After Malaysia’s independence, the concept of literary localization was also settled down. After a complicated transformation of feelings, the Chinese group shifted their attachment to the original homeland to the recognition of the Malaysian territory. However, from independence to today, it has been 50 years since the Chinese felt increasingly marginalized and also contributed to the gradual loosening of the internal identity of MCA literature. The history of the Chinese people participating in the founding of the nation erase with time, leaving only a vague mark. This article attempts to sort out the Chinese-Malaysian literature for the Chinese community to participate in the memory of the founding of the nation.
课程改革的阅读教学课堂,常听到老师问学生:“此时此刻,你最想对××说点什么?”这几乎成了课堂流行语。面对老师这样的启发提问,学生的反应如何呢?请看以下案例:  案例1:一位教师在教学课文《大江保卫战》第5自然段时,为了让学生深刻领悟“人民子弟兵为了人民的生命财产安全,心系群众,奋不顾身……”安排了这样的教学步骤:①自主阅读第5自然段,画出最让自己感动的语句;②交流感动的理由,有感情地朗读所画下的句