Among the various tendencies that negate or belittle the existence of Chinese tragedies, it is quite remarkable that they completely ignore the common features of the tragedies in China and the West and indefinitely exaggerate the differences between the tragedies in China and the West. In 2004 “literature and art research” the third period. Huang Kejian to “sad” come from? “In the comparison of the tragedy of China and the West, only saw the difference between the tragedy of China and the West, but did not see the common tragedy of the West. In 1975, during the first phase of the 6-7 issue of ”The Review of the Taojiang River,“ Yao Yiwei pointed out in the discussion of the tragedy in the Yuanza dramas: ”The tragedies did not originate in China." There are two reasons: first Western tragedies actually originated from God