
来源 :恩施职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenke25
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随着社会的发展,旅游业已成为现代经济体系中发展最快、前景最为广阔的新兴产业之一。后发起飞的恩施州旅游经过近几年的不懈努力已初见成效,形成了以州城为中心,方圆80公里内的“1+10”高密度、高A级旅游景区集群,成为湖北旅游带的重要组成部分,恩施州新的重要经济增长点。作为政府经济职能部门的地税部门,在促进恩施旅游业发展中,研究和分析税收征管中存在的问题,具有十分重要的现实意义。 With the development of society, tourism has become one of the fastest growing and most promising emerging industries in the modern economy. After the start of the Enshi tourism started to travel after initial efforts in recent years has achieved initial success, the formation of the city as the center, within a radius of 80 km “1 + 10 ” high-density, high A-class tourist attractions cluster, An important part of Hubei tourism zone, Enshi new important economic growth point. As a government department in charge of the local government tax revenue department, Enshi tourism development, research and analysis of tax collection and management problems, has very important practical significance.