马刺队的邓肯和森林狼队的加内特永远是一对拆不散的冤家,第一轮两个人开始了他们之间的又一次对话,结果自然是邓肯胜出。无论从技术全面程度还是心态的稳定性,加内特都要稍逊一筹。 首场比赛邓肯就给了加内特一个下马威:33分、15个篮板球和4次盖帽,把加内特拼得小腿抽筋,不得不在第四节最后关头退场,内线只得交给老中锋让·加雷特。尽管加内特仍然有25分进账,但森林狼到了最关键也是最危险的时候,我们看到了布兰顿,看到了斯泽比亚克,还看到了米切尔——却没有找到加内特的
Duncan the Spurs and Garnett Timberwolves will always be a pair of split the enemy, the first two rounds began another dialogue between them, the result is naturally Duncan win. Garnett should be inferior in terms of overall technical and psychological stability. The first game Duncan gave Kevin Garnett a disappointing: 33 points, 15 rebounds and 4 blocked shots, Garnett fight leg cramps, had to exit the last minute of the fourth quarter, the inside had to give the old center Garrett. Although Kevin Garnett still scored 25 points, but the Timberwolves to the most critical and most dangerous time, we saw Brandon, saw Szczerbiak, also saw Mitchell - but did not find Kevin Garnett of