工程回访和保修是工程竣工验收后建设工程承包单位对建设单位提供服务的两个内容 ,有些人对此常混为一谈 ,实际上 ,两者是有一定区别的。1 概念不同回访是在工程竣工验收后 ,承包方对工程质量情况进行调查、了解的过程。保修是在工程竣工验收后一定期限内 ,施工单位对工程使用
The project return visit and warranty are the two contents of the construction project contractor providing services to the construction unit after the completion acceptance of the project. Some people often confuse this with themselves. In fact, there are certain differences between the two. 1 The concept of different visits is the process of investigation and understanding of the quality of the project by the contractor after the acceptance of the project is completed. The warranty is within a certain period after the acceptance of the project is completed. The construction unit uses the project.