
来源 :文学少年(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pangyaoyu
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  Big Mouth’s mother is a big monster, while he himself is only a small one. Big Mouth and his mother had lived on a mountain his whole life but he was bored. He did not know how old he was, and he worried that staying in the mountains all day he would grow old very soon. How tedious it would be to live one’s life like an old man!
  He went to ask his mother, “How old am I? Am I 70 years old?”
  His mother laughed and said, “We don't have ages like humans. Anyway you are still a child.You are far from 70 years old!”
  Big Mouth was happy for a while, but at noon, he grew restless once again. He jumped out of the window and ran down the hill. He couldn’t resist the temptation.
  There was a small town at the foot of the hill. Big Mouth hid behind a bush and watched the strange place with wonder: what a queer place! Everyone has such a small mouth!
  He couldn’t understand this so he jumped out from the bush, and caught up with a boy on the road. He wanted an answer to his question.
  “Hey! What a small mouth you have! Do you all only eat noodles?”
  The boy heard a voice behind him, and when he turned his head he saw a big-mouthed monster standing there! He was so scared that he cried out, and ran away at once, leaving Big Mouth on the side of the road, feeling awkward, not knowing what to do next. This was not what Big Mouth had expected, but stranger things were to follow. The boys in town rushed to the police department, or stayed close to their parents, and when they slept, their nightmares held the shadow of the big mouth monster. Big Mouth saw all this in the reflection of the Moon.

  He was a monster in the boys’dreams. He saw a boy kick off his quilt and cry while clinging to his mother, “Mom! Mom! Here comes the big-mouthed monster !”Very sad to see this, Big Mouth broke off a basho leaf and covered the Moon.   大嘴巴怪毛手毛脚推醒了妈妈。
  He shook his mother brashly and woke her up.
  “Mom, are we bad ones and not welcome?”
  His mother nodded but then said, “Never mind, this is what we are.”
  From that day on, Big Mouth stayed in the mountains. He knew he was not welcome and the main reason was his big mouth. He thought he had a big mouth because he talked too much. Mother talks too much so she has a big mouth too. And she passed that big mouth on to me. That is why I became a big mouth even when I barely said anything. Big Mouth was embarrassed by who he was and upset with his mother for making him this way. He seldom speak now.
  Seven days passed. Big Mouth guessed his lips should be“glued”together by now, so he went down the hill again. He stood on the street, his mouth fast closed. A little pig passed by. He took off running when he saw Big Mouth, yelling at the sheep and rabbits that Big Mouth was coming for their meat. Run! He said, Run!
  Big Mouth cried and left town. He ran all the way up the mountain to his home.
  His mother had their lunch of roasted pig ready when he arrived.
  “Mom, must we eat other’ s meat?”
  “Why, we can not eat our meat, right?”
  “But would it hurt?”
  “Of course it hurts.”She stared at her son. What can he be thinking? He says the strangest things these days.
  “Can’t we change our diet? We can eat grass! So many grasses on the mountain!”
  “You should get used to eating meat. We all do.” Mama grew impatient. “How can one be a monster without eating meat? Change our diet?What a laugh!?”
  “But I really want to eat grass now,”said Big Mouth seriously.
  “You won’t like it. Go try it !”Mom said, eating her delicious pork.
  那顿饭,大嘴巴怪真的从山坡上拔来一把草,放在面前,然后一根一根嚼着。吃了很长时间,总算吃饱了。打那以后,大嘴巴怪真的改吃草了。说实话,他不喜欢那种东西。但他挺住了。   Big Mouth pulled up a bunch of grass and put it before him. He ate them one by one. He ate for a long time and at last he was full. From then on, he only ate grass for food. To tell the truth, he did not like the flavor but he hung in there.
  Now Big Mouth again was in the town. He stole a glance at the children and the animals.
  The boy who was once scared to tears said to other children, “Let’s make Big Mouth our friend. You see, he is not as scary as before.”
  The little pig said to other animals, “Yes, he has changed his diet!”

  But others still kept silent. A sheep spoke for them, “People say a monster’s heart is black, I don’t want to make friends with a black-hearted one.”
  Big Mouth couldn’t stand it any longer. He cried, with his big mouth wide open. The little boy and the pig followed him at a distance, trying to comfort him.
  Big Mouth ran up the hill and found a sharp-edged stone. He cut his breast open with it, and took out his heart. He looked down the hill and cried, “Hey, my heart is red!”Before he could complete the sentence he fell to the ground. At the last moment, he thought to himself, “I must find a way to tell them that they had me all wrong.”
  The next morning, all the boys and animals in town heard about what happened to Big Mouth. They felt ashamed and regretful. They climbed up the hillside, but they couldn’t find Big Mouth and his heart. But right in the spot where Big Mouth died, there sprouted a plant with a beautiful strawberry hanging on it.
  A girl asked, “Is it his...?”
  Nobody answered. Everyone looked in silence. Later they went down the hill reluctantly. When they looked back, they saw the whole hillside was carpeted in strawberry plants!
  They all knew that it was Big Mouth telling them who he really was .
小满一到,北方地区的麦粒开始饱满,但还没有成熟,所以叫小满。  贝儿妈妈带着贝儿去了湖南。  小满大满江河满,南方的雨季到来了。俗话说:“小满有雨豌豆收,小满无雨豌豆丢。”  小满的雨水,真是喜雨啊!  贝儿和妈妈一进旦旦家,旦旦妈妈便迎上来:“哎哟,贝儿比我们旦旦还高。明年就该上小学了,今年可要多玩玩啊!”  正說着,旦旦爸爸端出了洞庭湖的大鲤鱼:“快别聊了,先让客人喝鱼汤吧。”
贾尼·罗大里(Gianni Rodari),1920年生于意大利北部小城奥梅尼亚。他曾做过小学教师,后来又长期从事新闻记者工作。他的文字功底深厚,又深谙儿童心理,非常喜欢且善于给孩子们讲故事,凭着这份才华与热情,他逐渐走上了儿童文学的创作之路。  1970年罗大里被授予国际安徒生奖,这是世界儿童文学领域内的最高奖项。  罗大里一生大约创作、出版了三十多部优秀的作品,如《洋葱头历险记》《假话国历险记
译/李重民  “呀!那道光是什么?”  “不会是流星吧?”  “流星有那么尖吗?你看,还有翅膀。”  “是宇宙飞船。肯定是宇宙飞船。”  人们仰望着夜空吵吵嚷嚷地猜测着。  “是在往下降落,速度那么快。”  “去看看吧。”  拽着蓝白色尾光的物体眼看着越变越大,最后降落在镇子尽头的树林里。镇子里一片哗然,人们喧闹着争先恐后地跑向树林。  那东西简直就像一个大得可怕的岛屿,有尖削的三角形翅膀,甚至还
那时候,小青蛙还太小,老青蛙还不老,他们主要在青草池塘附近生活,那里的水草非常丰美。  小青蛙和老青蛙是一场大雨过后认识的。当时,小青蛙屁股后面的尾巴还没有丢,青草池塘四周全是青草和新泥的香味。从那天开始他俩就不分开了。  Once upon a time, Little Frog was young and small, while Old Frog was not too old. Most
过一会儿,爷爷就要把孙子送进小学校的大门了。现在,他们走在通往学校的小路上。  九月的头一天是个挺好的日子,阳光清亮透明,风也凉爽,因为晚上下过一场雨,路面还湿漉漉的,但已不泥泞,个别低洼处积着雨水,偶尔低头一看,能看见天上的一两朵白云映浮在里面。头顶上不时有鸟掠过,“喳”的一声,飞到了玉米地里,落在玉米穗吐出的缨子上。缨子有粉红色的,米黄色的,奶油色的,吊在鲜绿的玉米秆中间,很是光彩夺目。  学
那时候,小青蛙还太小,老青蛙还不老,他们主要在青草池塘附近生活,那里的水草非常丰美。  小青蛙和老青蛙是一场大雨过后认识的。当时,小青蛙屁股后面的尾巴还没有丢,青草池塘四周全是青草和新泥的香味。从那天开始他俩就不分开了。  Once upon a time, Little Frog was young and small, while Old Frog was not too old. Most
小路  在村庄里行走  吹也吹不尽的香稻花  掸也掸不掉的黏羊毛  小路懂得  大门吱呀呀的想法  也知道  井沿濕漉漉的心情  小路伸出胳膊  搂着每一座房子  撑住有些酸疼的腰  小路举着树枝  拦住淘气的炊烟  不许到村外乱跑  小路把小鞋子送进校门  再等着放学  小路给干完活的老鞋子  蹭去厚厚的泥  许多年后  小路将村庄背在身上  去那些日思夜念里  梦游  韩大为  画家简历:  
牧铃可谓一个传奇式作家,有着异乎常人的传奇经历。他生于城市,却成长于牧场、林区和山村;15岁“上山下乡”,做过牧童,当过农民,下过矿井,教过学生;体格瘦小,却喜欢探险;曾在西北的大漠落日下独自与狼同行,如今常年隐居深山潜心写作。  “丰富的经历,给我的创作提供了源源不断的素材。”牧铃说,几十年来,他写作的题材从来没有枯竭过。他的儿童文学作品,只有两类题材,一类是自然小说,另一类是少年成长小说。这都
你有机会——  获得辽宁省作家协会会员身份  获得省作家协会青少年作家等级证书  获得权威出版社“优秀特约编辑”荣誉证书  获得在核心期刊发表个人原创作品的机会  获得个人文学作品在全国公开出版发行的机会  获得与全国著名作家面对面交流,一起采风创作的机会  激发自己的文学潜能,绽放自己的文学才华  成为同学中的作文高手,学校里的创作骄子  因为你将有机会,进入——  青少年文學创意写作大讲堂特训