
来源 :中国网络传播研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhyoua
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本文旨在提供一个新视角,结合网络政治参与和政治思潮研究,试图考察左右政治意识形态是否存在并影响了网络政治讨论。本研究通过内容分析的方法,选取“强国论坛”和“猫眼看人”2008年1月份随机抽取的帖子内容作为分析对象,并引入“政治倾向”这一变量,对网络上的政治言论进行派别划分。结果显示,在左派声音占主流的“强国论坛”与右派声音占主流的“猫眼看人”论坛,二者在政治讨论的议程上具有显著差异。这表明,左右意识形态的角力与分化已经成为网络政治讨论中不可忽视的力量。 This article aims to provide a new perspective, combined with the network of political participation and political thought, trying to examine the existence of political ideology exists and affects the network of political discussions. This research chooses the random content of “Strong Forum” and “Cat’s Eye” in January 2008 as the analysis object through content analysis method, and introduces the variable of “political inclination” On the political speech factional division. The results show that there is a significant difference in the agendas of political discussion between the predominantly left-leaning “forum” and the mainstream “right-seeing” forum. This shows that the wrestling and differentiation of the left and right ideologies has become a force that can not be ignored in online political discussions.