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2010年10月28日,十一届全国人大常委会第十七次会议表决通过了修订后的村民委员会组织法(以下简称新法)。新法在结构上进行了重大调整,在内容上也进行了修改和完善,进一步调整和规范了村民自治行为。吴邦国委员长在常委会会议上强调:“修订后的村民委员会组织法,完善了村委会选举和罢免程序,健全了村民会议、村民代表会议、村民小组会议,以及村务监督委员会等民主决策、民主管理、民主监督等方面的制度,强化了民主评议等方面的规定,对进一步完善中国特色社会主义基层群众自治制度,调动广大农民群众的积 On October 28, 2010, the 17th meeting of the 11th NPC Standing Committee passed the revised Organic Law of Villagers Committees (hereinafter referred to as the ”New Law“). The new law has undergone major adjustments in structure and has been revised and improved in terms of content, so as to further adjust and standardize the behavior of villagers’ self-government. At the meeting of the Standing Committee, Chairman Wu Bangguo emphasized: ”The revised Organic Law of Villagers Committees has improved the procedures for the election and removal of villagers ’committees, and improved the democracy such as the villagers’ meeting, the villagers ’meeting, the villagers’ group meeting and the village affairs supervisory committee Decision-making, democratic management, democratic supervision and other aspects of the system, strengthen the democratic appraisal and other aspects of the provisions of the grass-roots level to further improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, mobilize the masses of peasants plot
一、平等理念的基本问题  1、平等理念的内涵  近现代平等观的要旨在于,人在人种、性别、出生、天资以及能力等方面客观地存在某些先天性的差别,要消灭这些差别,实现绝对均质化,在事实上是不可能的,但是,作为抽象的人或曰一般意义上的人,作为独立的、自由的人格主体,都具有人格的尊严,在自由人格的形成这一点上必须享有平等的权利。近现代的民主国家大都已经将这项权利宪法化,这在近代宪法规范上一般被表述为人在"法