洪都拉斯的哈密瓜正努力提高出口量来减少由于植物检疫问题而带来的退货风险。根据洪都拉斯农业联合出口商经理Medardo Galindo称,2012/2013年度,该产业出口哈密瓜1 400万箱,出口额6 000万美元,最大出口市场为美国,其次为欧洲和亚洲国家。
Hami Melons in Honduras are working hard to increase their exports to reduce the risk of returns due to phytosanitary issues. According to Medardo Galindo, Honduras’s joint export manager for agriculture, the industry exported 14 million boxes of cantaloupe for 2012/2013, with exports of 60 million U.S. dollars, with the largest export markets being the United States, followed by Europe and Asia.