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中南区拥军优属工作,一年来在乡村的土地改革与城市的民主改革等群众运动中,在各级人民政府的领导下,由于广大人民群众的拥护,使烈属、军属的生产、生活得到了解决。社会地位有了应有的提高。在抗美援朝爱国主义的教育与行动中,人民深刻地认识了人民解放军及中国人民志愿军是祖国的安全和世界和平的保卫者,从而增强对中国人民解放军和中国人民志愿军的热爱与拥护。值此光荣、伟大的中国人民解放军「八一」建军二十四周年纪念日即将到来,中南各级政府应在这纪念日前后一个月时间内,认真组织检查拥军和优待烈属、军属工作的进行情况,使之成为经常的政治任务。尤须了解此工作是直接关系巩固国防建设的重要工作之一。为此,特作如下指示:一、由各级政府首长负责认真检查拥军和优待烈属、军属工作,发扬工作中的优点,巩固成绩,克服与纠正忽视、轻视的错误现象,予以改善,并从思想上、政治上和组织上,使之成为经常的工作。各省市人民政府尤应组织力量,重点检查一个乡、一条街或一个区,以求取得经验加以推广。 In the past year, with the support of the broad masses of people, the production and livelihood of the martyrs and military families have been solved under the leadership of the people's governments at all levels over the past year in the mass movements like the land reform in the villages and the democratic reform in the cities. Social status has been properly improved. In the education and action to patriotism against the United States and aid the DPRK, the people profoundly understood that the People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Volunteers Army are the defenders of the motherland's security and world peace, thus enhancing their love and support for the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Volunteers Army. On this glorious and great anniversary of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the founding of the “People's Liberation Army of China” on August 1, the governments of all levels in Central and South Africa should conscientiously organize and inspect the work of supporting the army and superior military families within one month before and after this anniversary day To make it a regular political task. It is especially important to understand that this work is one of the important tasks that have a direct bearing on the consolidation of national defense. To this end, we hereby make the following special instructions: First, heads of government at all levels should be responsible for earnestly examining the favor and favor of martyrs and ministers, promoting their merits in work, consolidating achievements, overcoming and correcting the errors that are neglected and ignored, and improving them. Ideologically, politically and organizationally, make it a regular job. People's governments of all provinces and municipalities should especially organize their efforts to focus on examining a township, a street or a district in order to gain experience and promote it.
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