草莓小拱棚早熟栽培越冬前后期管理技术要点刘悦,赵文慧满城县农业局 072150一、越冬覆盖越冬前进行一次中耕,以消灭杂草。结合浇封冻水,亩施草莓专用肥10—15公斤。然后用0.012毫米厚无色透明聚乙稀膜平铺于草莓植株之上,并把膜四周用土压紧,以利保...
Strawberry small arch Sowing pre-cultivation techniques before and after winter management points Liu Yue, Zhao Wenhui Mancheng County Bureau of Agriculture 072150 First, overwintering cover a winter before cultivating to eliminate weeds. Combined with pouring frozen water, Mushi Shi strawberry special fertilizer 10-15 kg. Then with 0.012 mm thick colorless transparent polyethylene film tiled on the strawberry plant, and the membrane around the earth compact, to protect the ...