
来源 :亚热带植物通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xaolan811
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银合欢(Leucaena leucocephala)是一种具有多种用途的速生树种,在热带、亚热带地区被广泛引种栽培。我省引种银合欢历史已久,近年来更引起有关部门的重视,但在大面积栽培上尚存在一些问题,特别是在水土流失严重、土壤酸性强的山地生长不良。 本文就氮水平和氢离子浓度两个因子对银合欢幼苗结瘤固氮的影响进行研究。 材料和方法 Leucaena leucocephala is a fast-growing tree species with many uses, widely introduced and cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions. The introduction of Acacia in our province has a long history. In recent years, it has aroused the attention of relevant departments. However, there are still some problems in large-scale cultivation, especially in mountainous areas where soil erosion is serious and soil acidity is poor. In this paper, nitrogen level and hydrogen ion concentration of two factors on the Acacia seedling nodulation and nitrogen fixation. Materials and Method