三疣梭子蟹生长速度快 ,食用价值高 ,是人工增养殖的一个优良品种。近几年随着自然资源锐减 ,养殖规模逐年扩大 ,同时也带动了优质蟹苗需求的不断增加。为了解决大规模养成用苗种 ,提高育苗技术水平 ,我们于 2 0 0 2年春季进行了梭子蟹生产性人工育苗试验 ,平均单产幼蟹 30 0 0
Portunus portunus fast growth, high value for food, is an artificial breeding of an excellent variety. In recent years, with the sharp reduction of natural resources, the scale of breeding has been expanding year by year, and the demand for high-quality crabs has also been continuously increased. In order to solve the problem of large-scale breeding of seedlings and raising the technical level of seedling raising, we conducted a productive artificial seedling raising test in the spring of 2002 with the average yield of 30,000