病毒性肝炎后引起再生障碍性贫血(以下简称再障)的报道日益增多,尤以儿童及青年患者为多见,因病程进展快,且在病程中常出现严重出血及继发感染,预后极差,多数死亡。我科近年来收治2例,现报道如下: 例1、李××,住院号118191,男性、10岁,1972年7月31日因食欲不振,伴恶心呕吐、乏力、皮肤及巩膜明显黄染,肝肋下4Cm,压痛明显,脾0.5Cm,入某医院。入院时红细胞432万/mm~3,血红蛋白12.3g/dl,白细胞10000/mm~3,
Aplastic anemia caused by viral hepatitis (hereinafter referred to as aplastic anemia) are reported more and more, especially in children and young patients are more common, due to rapid progression, and in the course of the disease often appear serious bleeding and secondary infection, the prognosis is very poor Most deaths. In recent years, our department received 2 cases, are reported as follows: Example 1, Lee ×, hospital number 118191, male, 10 years old, July 31, 1972 due to loss of appetite, with nausea and vomiting, fatigue, skin and sclera significantly yellow dye , 4Cm under the liver ribs, tenderness, spleen 0.5Cm, into a hospital. Admission erythrocytes 432 million / mm ~ 3, hemoglobin 12.3g / dl, white blood cells 10000 / mm ~ 3,