(三)抗旱形态特征 1.叶片细胞较小,比较窄长,可以减少受旱时原生质变形引起细胞收缩而产生的机械损害;叶片表面积小,表皮常有茸毛,以减少蒸发。 2.单位面积上气孔数较多,输导组织比较发达,叶脉密,有利于呼吸和利用水分。 3.植株较高、茎秆细而柔韧。据梁权对65个旱地材料的分析,株高与粒重的相关系数为0.65,相关性密切。苗果园认为,旱地小麦的株高与产量及抗旱性有较密切的关系,株高与粒重的相关系数为0.630。
(C) Morphological characteristics of drought 1. Leaf cells smaller, more narrow and long, can reduce protoplasm deformation caused by cell contraction caused by mechanical damage; leaf surface area is small, the skin often hair, in order to reduce evaporation. 2. The number of pores per unit area more, more advanced organization of the conduction, dense veins, is conducive to breathing and the use of water. 3. Plants higher stem thin and flexible. According to Liangquan analysis of 65 dryland materials, the correlation coefficient between plant height and grain weight was 0.65, and the correlation was close. Miao orchards that dryland wheat plant height and yield and drought resistance are more closely related to the correlation between plant height and grain weight was 0.630.