当前形势下,加强理论学习是摆在全党面前的一件大事,而如何联系实际运用好的学习方法,更有效地开展理论学习,也是一个不可忽视的问题。对此,笔者提出以下几种方法,谨供思考。 一、专题带头人学习法 以主要领导干部理论学习为龙头,在党和国家方针、路线、政策的指引下,由主要领导根据上级要求确定理论学习大专题,既而根据分管领导的业务范围对企业党委大专题
Under the current circumstances, strengthening theoretical study is a major issue facing the entire party. It is also an issue that can not be ignored in terms of how to apply good learning methods in practice and carry out theoretical studies more effectively. In this regard, I propose the following methods, just for thinking. I. Leading Leader Learning Method With the leading cadre theoretical study as the leader, under the guidance of the party’s and state’s guidelines, lines and policies, the major leaders determine the theoretical study of major topics according to the requirements of their superiors. Thus, according to the business scope in charge of leadership, Party committee big topic