There are 650,000 people in Guangnan County and 61.4% in ethnic minorities. For a long time, the basic education in Guangnan is very weak. In 1990, the school-age children’s enrollment rate was 91%, of which school-age children of ethnic minorities had a lower enrollment rate of 87%. Of the 20 townships (towns) in the county, only seven have achieved low-level popularization, and the most unconsolidated and unpopular ones are mainly ethnic minorities. Therefore, ethnic education in Guangnan has its own characteristics. First, the focus of the Guangnan in the mountainous area spreads the saying that “Zhuangs occupy the head of the water, the Yao people occupy the Shantou, and the Miao people occupy the hilltops”. It summarizes the distribution characteristics of the ethnic minorities in Guangnan. The Zhuang people in Guangnan accounted for 41.4% of the total population of the county, from the overall