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“2003年破土动工,投资3000余万,营业面积17000平方米,备受社会各界关注的新华大厦将于2004年5月1日正试营业,6月18日正式开门揖客。届时,国内200余家出版社相关人士和社会各界人士将莅临祝贺。10万种共计上百万册图书将在这个南疆地区最大的‘新华大厦’内展现在巴州人民面前。”巴音郭楞蒙古自治州新华书店负责人说这话时神采飞扬,喜悦之情溢于言表。50年风雨路,半世纪创业史。成立于上个世纪50年代的巴州新华书店,在几代“新华人”的不懈努力下,由小到大,历经创业、发展、巩固、改革、完善的曲折历程,现已发展为辖库尔勒、和静、焉耆等八县一市,共有职工130余人,发行网点13个,年发行图书70000余种,年销售额6000余万元的南疆地区图书销量最大、服务优良、营业设施完备的综合性图书发行企业。 “Ground breaking in 2003, more than 3,000 million investment, business area of ​​17,000 square meters, much attention of all sectors of the community Xinhua Building will be on May 1, 2004 is a trial operation, officially opened the door on June 18. By then, domestic More than 200 publishing houses and people from all sectors of society will come to our congratulations on the congregation, and 100,000 kinds of books in total amounting to one million will be displayed in front of the people of Bazhou in the largest Xinhua Building in this southern area. ”“ The head of the Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture Xinhua Bookstore spoke highly of the words and delights of joy. 50 years of rainy road, half a century of entrepreneurial history. Founded in the 1950s, Bazhou Xinhua Bookstore, under the unrelenting efforts of several generations of ”New Chinese", has developed from the smallest to the largest and has undergone twists and turns in its undertaking, development, consolidation, reform and perfection. Jurisdiction over Korla, and static, Yanqi and other eight counties and a city, a total of more than 130 workers, distribution outlets 13, the annual circulation of more than 70,000 books, annual sales of more than 60 million yuan in the southern region of the largest book sales, excellent service and business facilities complete Comprehensive book distribution business.
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