从1949年6月新政治协商会议筹备会议成立以来,我长期地在李维汉同志的领导下工作。我从他那里学习到很多很多的东西,一直把有幸和他共事看作上一所大学,学习做人、学习做事,特别是学习做统一战线工作。他留给我最深的印象不只是一位卓越的领导者,而且是一位可遇不可求的明师。对我来说,他既是良师,又是严师。 今年是李维汉同志逝世10周年。在此时刻,对他的无限缅怀和由衷崇敬更加涌上我的
Since the establishment of the preparatory conference for the new Political Consultative Conference in June 1949, I have been working under the leadership of Comrade Li Weihan for a long time. I learned from him a lot of things, always had the honor to work with him as the last university, learning a man, learning to do things, especially learning to do the work of the United Front. His deepest impression on me was not just an outstanding leader, but also an experienced Master. To me, he is both a mentor and a teacher. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the death of Comrade Li Weihan. At this juncture, my infinite memory and reverence for him are all the more for me