1前言球形闭孔膨胀珍珠岩是我院课题组在国内首先研制成功的一种新型珍珠岩保温绝热材料 ,关于这一新产品的性能与应用 ,课题组陈世富老师在《新型建筑材料》2000年第2期上作了详细介绍。本文将着重介绍这种新产品的膨胀工艺和影响膨胀的因素。2工艺流程2.1传统膨胀
1 Introduction spherical closed-cell perlite expansion is the first task of our research group in the country successfully developed a new type of perlite insulation insulation materials on the performance and application of this new product, the group Chen Shifu teacher in the “new building materials” in 2000 No. 2 made a detailed introduction. This article will focus on the new product expansion process and affect the expansion of the factors. 2 process 2.1 traditional expansion