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康熙是中国封建社会后期一位有作为的皇帝,开创了清朝“康雍乾”盛世。康熙在位61年,在治国理政方面取得了赫赫成就,积累了很多成功的经验。其中通过微服私访来了解各地政令通行情况,暗访地方官吏的所作所为、体察民间疾苦、解决棘手问题的做法就值得称道。他的微服私访的确有很多好处:一不扰官,节省了一大笔招待银两,也避免了各级官吏为其迎来送往而费时费力,更让那些一心想为自己脸上贴金、以奉迎拍马为能事的官吏无法弄虚作假。二不扰民,老百姓也不会因为皇帝老儿大驾光临而四散逃避,该干什么还干什么,想骂贪官照骂不误,要诉苦仍可放心地诉说,更不今因各级官吏为皇帝及其随从贡奉土特产而加重负担。三有利于皇帝本人身心健康,轻装简从出远门,粗茶淡饭养身体,这对久居皇宫,吃腻了山珍海味、出门就有八抬大轿的皇帝来说,是再好不过的“疗养”机会。四能达到出行的目的,这是最为重要的一点。皇帝政务繁忙,日理万机,既然要了解下情,却能不扰官不扰民地悄悄深入基层,调查研究,掌握实情,还有什么问题弄不清楚呢?同时,皇帝每次微服私访时,都装扮成各种不同层次、不同职业的角色,深入到相应的领域,体验各个阶层不同地位人们的酸甜苦辣,及时了解中央政策在各地各行业的执行情况,也为制定新的统治策略积累了宝贵的第一手资料。 Emperor Kangxi was an accomplished emperor in the late feudal society of China and founded the Qing Dynasty. In the 61 years since Kang Xi reigned, he made remarkable achievements in managing state affairs and has accumulated many successful experiences. Among them, it is commendable to understand the prevailing situation of government decrees and passage through the private visits, to unannounced visits by local officials, to observe the hardships of the people and solve the difficult issues. His personal visits do have many advantages: a non-betrayal, saving a lot of entertainment silver, but also to avoid the officials at all levels to usher in the time-consuming and laborious, leaving those bent on his face bent on the gold, Officials who can serve flattering horses can not resort to fraud. Two do not disturb the people, the people will not because of the emperor Lao Dazu visit and scattered to evade, what to do and what to do, want to scold Corrupt officials scolded correct, to complain can be assured to tell, not because of the officials at all levels for the emperor and its Pay tribute to serve local products and increase the burden. Three is conducive to the emperor’s physical and mental health, light with Jane from the distance, light tea to keep the body, which for a long time in the palace, eat greasy delicacies, go out there is the emperor lift eight sedan, it is no better “healing” opportunity. Four can achieve the purpose of travel, this is the most important point. As the imperial government is busy and on a proper schedule, since it is necessary to understand the situation under its belt, it can not quietly and intrude into the grassroots without disturbing the people. Investigations and grasps the facts. Are there any questions that are not clear? At the same time, Into various fields and different occupations, went deep into the corresponding fields, experienced the ups and downs of people of different walks of life in different positions, kept abreast of the implementation of the Central Government in all industries and industries, and accumulated valuable first- First-hand information.
目的:冬虫夏草(Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.)在临床上可用于多种肺部疾病的治疗。冬虫夏草菌(Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Berk.))是冬虫夏草的无性型,近年发现冬虫夏草菌对部分肺疾有治疗作用,并能在一定程度上预防和阻滞肺纤维化的进程。前期研宄发现,冬虫夏草菌的这些功效可能与抗炎活性有关。本课题以脂多糖(LPS)诱导大鼠NR8383肺泡巨噬