设计理念art'otel酒店在设计上运用了一种令人惊奇的新方式,可同时为人们提供生活的场所、艺术的享受和餐饮服务。该酒店拥有风格独特的建筑外观和颇具现代艺术风格的室内装潢,这种全新体验的设计是由ADP Architects建筑事务所和Digital Space设计公司联合为PPHE酒店集团量身设计的结果,酒店也成为城市一个新的文化热点。
Design concept The art'otel has been designed with a surprisingly new way of creating places of life, artistic enjoyment and catering at the same time. The hotel's unique architectural façade and modern Art-inspired interiors are the result of a joint effort by ADP Architects Architects and Digital Space Design for the PPHE Hotel Group, a city that has also become a city A new cultural hot spot.