喉插管肉芽肿较少见。国内曾报道过3例。我院自1975年7月至1979年底,因急救或全麻手术行气管内插管者共1,751例,发生肉芽肿者仅2例,其发病率与国外报道1‰相仿。本文就连同门诊所见的2例一并报告于后。 [例1] 患者男性,24岁。1976年3月18日下年4时服毒后昏迷来院抢救。洗胃时突然呼吸停止,行紧急气管内插管,次日晨3时许恢复自主呼吸。20日下午5时行气管切开术后拔除气管导管。4月17日诉干咳、声音嘶哑,间接喉镜检查见右侧声带后端有绿豆大小的肿块。5月8日直接喉镜检查见右侧声带后端游离缘有直径3mm的肿块,左侧声带活动差,声门下有0.4×0.6×0.7cm大小、表面光
Throat intubation granulomas less common. China has reported three cases. Our hospital from July 1975 to the end of 1979, due to emergency or general anesthesia tracheal intubation in a total of 1,751 cases, only 2 cases of granulomatosis, the incidence of foreign reports 1 ‰ similar. This article, together with the two cases seen in the clinic, are reported later. [Example 1] Patient Male, 24 years old. March 18, 1976 the next year after poisoning coma to the hospital for treatment. Sudden gastric lavage stopped, the line of emergency endotracheal intubation, the next morning 3:00 to resume spontaneous breathing. At 20:00 on the 20th tracheotomy after removal of the tracheal tube. April 17 v. Dry cough, hoarseness, indirect laryngoscopy see the back of the vocal cords with mung bean size of the mass. May 8 direct laryngoscopy see the right vocal cord posterior free edge with a diameter of 3mm mass, the left vocal cord activity is poor, under the glottis is 0.4 × 0.6 × 0.7cm size, surface light