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【作者简介】张岱(1597—1689),明末清初文学家、史学家。字宗子、石公,号陶庵,浙江山阴(今绍兴)人。他出身仕宦世家,明亡后入山著书以终。他多才多艺,学识渊博,著述浩繁,尤精于散文,文笔清新,时杂诙谐,作品多写山水景物、日常琐事。著有《琅娠文集》《陶庵梦忆》《西湖梦寻》等。原文西湖七月半[明]张岱西湖七月半,~①一无可看,只可看看七月半之人。看七月半之人,以五类看之。其一,楼船箫鼓,峨冠盛筵,灯火优馔,~②声光相乱,名为看月而实不见月者,看之。其一,亦船亦楼,名娃闺秀,携及童娈,笑啼杂之,环坐露台,左右盼望,身在月下而实不看月者,看之。其一,亦船亦声歌,名妓闲僧,浅斟低唱,弱管轻丝,竹肉相发,~③亦在月下, 【Introduction】 Zhang Dai (1597-1689), late Ming and early Qing Dynasty writer, historian. Word Zongzi, Shi Gong, No. Tao Um, Zhejiang Shanyin (now Shaoxing) people. He was born in a family of scholar, died in the mountains after the end of the book to the end. He is versatile, knowledgeable, voluminous writings, especially good at prose, writing fresh, when the humorous, works more to write landscapes, daily chores. Author of “Lang literary anthologies” “Tao Nun dream” “Dream of the West Lake” and so on. The original West Lake in July and a half [Ming] Zhang Dai West Lake in July and a half, ~ ① nothing to see, only to see the July half of the people. See half of July, with five categories. First, the building ship Xiao drum, Emei feast feast, light excellent food, ~ ② sound and light confusion, called the moon and see the moon, see it. First, the ship also also floor, the name of the ladylike, with children, laughter, the ring around the terrace, so hopeful, in the moon and really do not look at the moon, look. First, the boat is also a song, prostitutes leisure monk, light pouring softly, weak light silk, bamboo relatives, ~ ③ also in the moon,
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