一到开罗,扑面而来的阿拉伯文化的浓郁气息,令人陶醉不已。 在下榻的旅馆推窗眺望,映入眼帘的是高渺的蓝天下耸立的一座座清真寺纤细的尖塔,与四周的现代风格的高楼相映成趣。几乎每天黎明,那拖长音调的浑厚的喊声破窗而入,打破了我的清梦。我不懂阿拉伯语,听人说,那是清真寺阿訇招唤穆斯林祈祷的声音,如今通过麦克风传播全城,一日数次。开罗的清真寺多得不可胜数,不管走到何地,
Upon arrival in Cairo, the richness of the blowing Arab culture is intoxicating. Looking through the windows of the hotel where you are staying, you can see the slender minarets of a mosque towering under the blue skies, which match the modern high-rise buildings. Almost daily dawn, that prolonged tone of vigorous shout broke through the window and broke my dream. I do not understand Arabic, I heard people say it is the mosque Imam call Muslim prayer voice, now spread through the microphone the whole city, several times a day. Cairo’s mosque is incredible, no matter where you go,