由外加呼吸阻力负有所引起的呼吸感觉被看作一种模糊量。基于模糊集理论的多织估量法及其数据处理公式 f_(ut)=1/t(sum from j=1 to m v_iy_(ij)w_j/sum from j=1 to m y_(ij)w_j),i=1,2,…,n被用来评量呼吸阻力感觉。37名健康男性青年接受了不同负荷时相下的各种外加阻力负荷。所获结果揭示如下事实:每一个给定的阻力负荷均在量表的各类别上存在一个可能性分布;阻力负荷与其感觉量间呈幂函数关系;总阻力值相等,但在不同负荷时相下,其相应感觉量亦不同,其中,以呼气相者为最低。多级估量法评量结果还给出了对应于各感觉类别等级的相应刺激量。而由传统类别量表评量的结果则不能反映负荷时相的影响,并且感觉量与生理刺激量间呈凹向下的函数关系。
Respiratory sensation caused by the imposition of respiration resistance is considered a fuzzy amount. The multi-weave estimation method based on fuzzy set theory and its data processing formula f_ (ut) = 1 / t (sum from j = 1 to m v_iy_ (ij) w_j / sum from j = 1 to m y_ (ij) w_j) i = 1, 2, ..., n is used to measure respiratory resistance sensations. Thirty-seven healthy male adolescents underwent various loads of resistance under different loading phases. The results obtained reveal the fact that each given resistance load has a distribution of probabilities across the various categories of the scale; the resistance load has a power function relationship with its sensory amount; the total resistance values are equal but at different load phases Under the corresponding amount of feeling is also different, of which the expiratory phase as the lowest. Multilevel measures The results also give the corresponding sensory categories corresponding to the amount of stimulation. However, the results of traditional rating scale did not reflect the impact of load phase, and the amount of sensory and physiological stimuli showed a downward downward function.