
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huhaiyan1953
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黔东南位于云贵高原向湘西低山丘陵和广西盆地过渡的斜坡地带。地势西高而东低,山地面积占总面积的85%,属中亚热带湿润季风型气候。具有湿润温和,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,雨量充沛的特点。居住在这一地区的苗族先民,为了适应这里的自然条件,宜于自己民族的生息繁衍,在建造住居时,创造了以穿斗式木构架为主要结构形式的吊脚楼式建筑。这种结构形式的建筑具有以下几个特点:第一、结构简单而稳固性强。它是以往、枋为基本构件,通过穿斗形成一个由规则柱网构成的完整空间。故其结构简单而稳固:第二,充分利用木材及其强度。由于采用的是穿斗结构,用小材即可盖大房,完全不象抬梁结构必须用大 Southeastern Guizhou Province is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the western Hunan hilly and Guangxi Basin transition slope area. High terrain and low east, the mountainous area accounts for 85% of the total area, is a subtropical humid monsoon climate. With mild moist, winter without cold, no summer heat, abundant rainfall characteristics. In order to adapt to the natural conditions here, the ancestors of Hmong who lived in this area are advised to live and multiply their own nationalities. When building dwelling houses, they created the stilt-shaped buildings with the main structure of weaved wooden frame. This structure of the building has the following characteristics: First, the structure is simple and strong. It is the past, 枋 as the basic component, through the wear bucket to form a complete column of regular column network space. Therefore, its structure is simple and solid: Second, make full use of wood and its strength. As a result of wear-bucket structure, with a small material to cover the big room, completely unlike the beam structure must be large
本文结合实践论述了科学的管理是电子阅览室发展的关键,为读者服好务是电子阅览室的宗旨。 This article discusses the management of science is the key to the developm
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