Consider uncertain linear time delay systems described by the following state equation:x(t)=[A0+Δ A0(t)]x(t)+∑ri=1[Ai+ΔAi(t)]x(t-τi).(1)x(t)=(t)t∈[-,0];=maxri=1{τi}(2)where Δ A0(*) and Δ Ai(*)(i=1,…,r) are real matrix functions.Δ Ai(t)=LiFi(t)Ei,ΔA0(t)=L0F0(t)E0, where Li,Ei are known real constant matrices and Fi(t) are unknown real time-varying matrices with Lebesgue measurable elements satisfying ‖Fi(t)‖I,t(i=0,1,…,r). In this note, we develop the methods of robust stability which is dependent on the size of some delays but independent on the size of the others and is based on the solution of linear matrix inequalities.