2013年,参与钢铁工业协会营销统计的会员钢铁企业在国内销售钢材52 105.62万t,增幅达11.42%(已含因会员企业数量增加而导致会员企业销量增加的因素)。分析何种钢材销售增量较大或增幅较高,有助于我们对钢材需求情况进行科学判断;分析增销的各种钢材最终流向,有助于对六大区域市场的钢材需求情况进行科学判断。1会员企业在各区域市场的钢材销售数量2013年,会员企业在国内市场所销售的钢材,有11 204.49万t流向华北市场,增幅为9.61%;有2 806.46万t流向东北市场,增幅为7.58%;有2 0871.50万t流向华东市场,增幅为11.31%;有9 791.54万t流向中南市
In 2013, members participating in marketing statistics of China Iron and Steel Association reported that steel products sold domestically were 52,105,600 tons, an increase of 11.42% (including the increase of sales volume of member enterprises due to the increase in the number of member enterprises). Analysis of what kind of steel sales increase larger or higher, will help us to make scientific judgments on steel demand; analysis of the final flow of increasing sales of various steel will help steel demand in the six regional markets for science judgment. 1 Number of steel products sold by member companies in each regional market In 2013, 11,204.49 tons of steel products sold by member companies in the domestic market went to North China with an increase of 9.61%; 28,046,600 tons went to the northeast market, an increase of 7.58% %; 208.750 million t flows to the East China market, an increase of 11.31%; there are 99.9154 million t flows to Zhongnan