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齿轮联轴器内齿外套的端部结构形式有多种。不同的结构形式,对安装、使用、维护、保养产生不同的影响。图1为端部固定式内齿外套结构,这种固定限位形式,对外齿内套的窜动限位有较好的效果,但由于端部是固定的,安装和维修很不方便,安装时,内齿外套必须先套入轴上,安装后就不能任意取出。图2为端部自由式内齿外套结构,这种结构形式安装维修很方便,零 There are a variety of configurations of the ends of the internal gear housing of the gear coupling. Different structural forms have different impacts on installation, use, maintenance and service. Figure 1 for the end fixed internal gear jacket structure, this fixed limit form, the internal gear teeth of the movement of the stopper limit has a good effect, but because the end is fixed, the installation and maintenance is very inconvenient to install When the internal gear jacket must be set into the shaft, after installation can not be arbitrarily removed. Figure 2 is the end of free-style internal gear jacket structure, this structure is very easy to install and maintain, zero
周末正睡懒觉,接到桃子要来的电话,我瞬间从床上弹起:家里扔得乱七八糟的,爱整洁的桃子看到这状况不得抓狂啊?    我火速起床,进入战斗状态:扫地、拖地、收拾东西、擦桌子、摆凳子……虽然不是窗明几净,但好歹不至于给桃子留下邋遢的印象。  桃子进门后,我累得直喘粗气。桃子讶异:“你怎么累成这样?”我白了她一眼:“还不是为了迎接你打扫卫生给累得!”桃子笑:“平时怎么不随手打扫呢?”“随手打扫?我哪有那时