践行“一带一路”战略 履行央企社会责任——中材赞比亚建材工业园捐建学校和医院顺利交接

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本刊讯日前,由中材水泥投资的中材赞比亚建材工业园为卢萨卡市Chiyeya村和当地社区新建的学校和医院(纳其特特学校和纳其特特医院)正式完工,交接仪式在新学校广场举行。中国驻赞比亚大使杨优明、中国驻赞比亚商务参赞欧阳道冰,赞比亚高级酋长恩可曼莎·穆坎曼波二世、卫生部部长齐塔卢·奇卢菲亚、卢萨卡省省长杰芬·姆瓦卡隆贝,以及中材水泥副总经理、中材Mpande公司董事长张元慈等出席交接仪式。出席仪式的还有赞比 Recently, Sinoma-Zambia Building Materials Industrial Park, invested by Sinoma Cement, formally completed the handover ceremony of the newly-built schools and hospitals (Natchete School and Natchete Hospital) in Chiyeya Village, Lusaka City and local communities. Held in the new school square. Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Yang Youming, Chinese Counselor in Zambia Ouyang Dao Bing, Zambian High Chief Enkhmanza Mukanmambo II, Minister of Health Zittaru Chiluofiya, Governor of Lusaka Governor Jie Fen · M 瓦卡隆贝, and vice president of Sinoma Cement, Sinoma Mpande chairman Zhang Yuanci attended the handover ceremony. Zambia also attended the ceremony