构建了带破损点的剥离涂层管道腐蚀模拟实验装置,采用微电极技术研究交流干扰X80管线钢破损/剥离涂层下局部腐蚀行为及规律。结果表明:交流电干扰使涂层破损管线钢电位负向偏移;随交流电密度增大,X80钢的阳极溶解速率增大,腐蚀形态由均匀腐蚀逐渐向局部腐蚀转变;破损点处管线钢发生严重腐蚀,剥离区腐蚀程度稍有减缓;但施加100 A/m~2交流电时,剥离区深处X80钢表面仍出现了较严重的点蚀坑。从交流干扰的整流效应、阳极反应不可逆性及交流电对钢/环境界面双电层结构影响等角度讨论了交流电干扰对涂层破损下管线钢腐蚀行为的影响。
The experimental equipment of pipeline corrosion with peeling coating with breakage point was built. The micro-electrode technology was used to study the local corrosion behavior and rule of X80 pipeline steel under damaged / peeled coating. The results show that the alternating current interference negatively shifts the potential of the steel in the damaged pipelines of the coating. With the increase of the AC density, the anodic dissolution rate of X80 steel increases and the corrosion morphology gradually changes from uniform corrosion to localized corrosion. However, when the AC voltage of 100 A / m ~ 2 is applied, the pitting pits still appear more serious on the surface of X80 steel in the peel zone. The influence of alternating current interference on the corrosion behavior of pipeline steel under coating damage is discussed from the rectification effect of AC interference, the irreversibility of anode reaction and the influence of alternating current on the electrical double layer structure of steel / environment interface.