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绞胎陶瓷是唐宋时期陶业生产的一个重要品种。自从二十年代钜鹿县遗址发现绞胎瓷以来,在各地的唐宋墓葬,居住遗址和窑址出土的胶胎陶瓷为数不少,但是陶瓷学者对绞胎瓷的专题研究似乎尚未开始。作者去年发表了一篇有关唐宋绞胎陶瓷的分类和断代的短文,但是对绞胎器的起源和制法未能提出一定的看法。本文拟对“绞胎装饰”提供一些零碎资料,以备学才参考。 Tire tire ceramic pottery industry in Tang and Song Dynasties is an important species. Since the discovery of twine porcelain at the site of the Duru County in the 1920s, there have been a large number of rubber-plasticized porcelain unearthed in the Tang and Song dynasties, dwelling sites and kilns all over the country. However, the special study on porcelain twins by porcelain scholars has not yet begun. Last year, the author published an essay on the classification and dating of the twisted pottery in the Tang and Song Dynasties, but failed to give any opinion on the origin and the system of the winder. This article intends to “Garnish ” to provide some piecemeal information to prepare for reference.
教授的秘密  老教授克林行为古怪,而且又跛又脏,过着隐士般的生活。12岁的丹尼一直想搞清楚教授到底在干什么。在一个雷雨交加的下午,他来到教授那幢孤零零的小楼边,藏身于楼外一棵大树后。  不久,教授身披雨衣,揭开了他房子四个角落里的帆布,露出裹着的掩体,里面竟是四根闪光的金属筒。借着闪电的光亮,丹尼看见教授正掀动着一根巨大的金属操纵杆,狂喜地注视着风雨交加的天空。  丹尼顺着他的目光看去,不禁被一种