
来源 :中国农史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ellydyl
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“农民非农化”的现象,贯穿在资本主义从萌生到形成的全过程之中,是社会变异的开端.从明朝中期开始。我国许多地区农民多“去本就末,甚至“十分其民已有六七分去农”了。工商业城市日益发展,使农民改业工商、或以交通运输等为业的人越来越多。可见,“非农化”是发展商品、市场、资本主义萌芽经济和城市化的基础。“农民非农化”导致了社会深层次的变革,甚至是结构性的变异。生产结构的变化,表现在农业中种植粮食的逐渐减少,为获利而种植经济作物的日益增多,粮食生产也日趋商品化。农业雇工的数量日趋增大。手工业则由小商品生产,发展为使用雇工劳动不断扩大再生产规模的商品生产。经营结构的变化,农业由经营地主与富农经营生产,使用雇工劳动的现象日益发展,主雇之间由人身依附关系变为经济依附关系。手工业中手工工场增多,主雇之间形成出资与出力“相资为生”的关系。市场结构的变化,从地区市场发展为全国性的市场,在全国出现了许多商业销售的中心城市。这时的市场已不只是为了生活需要互通有无的场所,而是通过满足社会需要谋取利润的机制。这都表明我国正在从古代向近代社会发展,从自然经济向商品经济发展,从农业向工业经济发展,而“非农化”是变异中的关键。 The phenomenon of peasants’ non-agriculturalization runs through the entire process from initiation to formation of capitalism and is the beginning of social variation. From the mid Ming Dynasty. In many parts of our country, peasants are more likely to “go to this place and even have their people already have 67 or more to go to agriculture.” The growing development of commercial and industrial cities has enabled more and more peasants to change their business and industry or to transport and other industries It can be seen that “non-agriculturalization” is the basis for the development of commodities, markets, the budding economy of capitalism and urbanization, and the “peasants’ non-agriculturalization” has led to profound changes in the society and even structural variations.Changes in the structure of production, This is reflected in the gradual reduction of grain grown in agriculture, the growing number of cash crops for profit-making and the increasingly commercialization of grain production, the increasing number of agricultural workers, and the growth of handicrafts from commodity production to the expansion of reproductive labor Large-scale commodity production Changes in business structure led to the growing use of labor by the landlords and rich peasants in farming, and the dependence on the main employers on the basis of personal attachment to economic dependency. Between the formation of capital and contribute to “mutual support for life.” The changes in market structure, from the regional market for the development of the country Of the market in the country there are many commercial sales center of the city when the market has not only for life need to communicate with each other places, but through the social needs to make profits mechanism.This shows that our country is from ancient to modern times Social development, from the natural economy to commodity economy, from agriculture to industrial economy development, and “non-agricultural” is the key to mutation.
设计合成了2个分别以DBN(二苯并并四苯)及三苯基吡啶为中心弯曲核的2个香蕉型分子,通过1H-NMR,13C HRMS等手段对其结构进行了表征,在偏光显微镜下,没有观察到它们的液晶行为.
平久,现就职于北京奥组委文化活动部,擅长策划、组织实施大型公益活动。 不唯书,不按牌理出牌,常令搭档惊喜。策略同创意种种矛盾游荡于一身,对公关 活动从策划到执行游刃有
摘要:音乐是情感的艺术,声乐教学中应注重让学生获得情感体验,产生情感共鸣。有了情绪,学习就有了动力,也就了兴趣。在教学中,教师要根据实施情况科学地采取灵活机动的教学方法。注意艺术性和趣味性的结合,同时还要客观的评价每个学生,以保护学生的自尊心。  关键词:体验;激发;情感;感染;意境    音乐是富有情感的艺术,是最直观的情感,音乐教育不仅是单纯的教授歌唱的技能,它还具有很强的德育意义。音乐教育通