萌生更新是种子植物更新策略的重要组成部分,对于维持森林群落的稳定性起着重要的作用。本研究以弄岗北热带喀斯特季节性雨林15 hm2动态监测样地第1次普查数据中萌枝(根萌和枝萌)数据为研究对象,采用Torus-translation检验法分析了萌生能力在不同生境类型中的差异性,及其与不同环境因子的关联性。结果表明:样地中有190个物种具有萌生现象,平均每公顷1831株萌生个体;不同生境类型间萌生能力差异明显,总体表现为山顶周围萌生能力较强,山坡周围萌生能力较弱,此外萌生能力的生境关联性还与萌枝的径级大小有关;萌生能力与海拔、凹凸度、坡度和坡向的余弦值呈显著正相关,而与个体胸高断面积之和呈显著负相关。喀斯特季节性雨林中萌生更新较为普遍,其分布格局与环境因子间存在一定关联。为了深入揭示萌生更新格局形成的潜在生态学过程和维持机制,长期动态监测尤为必要。
Invasive regeneration is an important part of seed plant regeneration strategy and plays an important role in maintaining the stability of forest community. In this study, the data of the sprouting branches (root sprouts and branch sprouting) in the first census data of the 15 hm2 dynamic monitoring plots of the tropical karst rainforest in the north of the Nonggongbei were studied. The Torus-translation test was used to analyze the data of the sprouting ability in different habitat types In the difference, and its relationship with different environmental factors. The results showed that there were 190 species in the sample with the initiation of germination, with an average of 1831 germinating individuals per hectare. The differences of germination ability among different habitat types were obvious. The overall appearance was that the germination capacity around the hilltop was relatively strong and the germination ability around the hillside was weak. Habitat correlations were also related to the size of shoot branches. Germination ability was significantly and positively correlated with the cosine of elevation, concavity, slope and aspect, but negatively correlated with the sum of the area of chest height. The initiation and renewal of seasonal rainforest in karst is more common, and its distribution pattern and environmental factors are related to each other. In order to reveal the potential ecological process and the maintenance mechanism formed by the pattern of initiation and regeneration, the long-term dynamic monitoring is especially necessary.