
来源 :江苏通信技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq793053
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随着通信业务的飞速发展,移动用户数日益增长,但是用户的ARPU(averagerevenueperuser)值随着用户数量的增加呈逐步下降的趋势。为了增加用户的ARPU值,增加用户的稳定性,在现有的网络基础上开发新型的增值业务成为各个电信运营商重点考虑的问题。描述了“来电宝”业务的需求、实现方案、推广方式和业务运行情况,探讨了增值业务的发展思路,为用户提供了一种新型的短消息增值业务。 With the rapid development of communication services, the number of mobile users has been increasing day by day. However, the average ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) value of users gradually declines as the number of users increases. In order to increase the ARPU value of a user and increase the stability of a user, developing a new value-added service based on the existing network has become a key issue for various telecom operators. Describes the needs of “CallBao ” business, to achieve programs, promotion methods and business operations, discusses the development of value-added services ideas, to provide users with a new type of SMS value-added services.
把握好课堂教学的目标和节奏,及时有效地进行提问,往往会使初中数学课堂绽放异彩,收到意想不到的教学效果。 Grasping the goal and pace of classroom teaching and timely