过去经常为孩子上学、吃饭发愁的农五师九十团残疾职工张明金,脸上总是愁容满面。而今,他不再东挪西借了,每季度都能领上低保金,脸上充满了笑容。他激动地说:“是低保支撑了我们全家,如今对生活充满了信心。” 张明金是1993年来疆的河南支边青年,夏天种地,冬天利用木匠手艺揽些木工活。正准备大干一场时,灾难接踵而来,先是
In the past often go to school for children, eat worry about the fifth group of nine disabled workers Zhang Mingjin group, his face always sad face. Now, he no longer borrowed from the West, every quarter can receive a minimum guarantee, his face full of smiles. He said excitedly: “It is the subsistence allowances that have supported our whole family and are now full of confidence in life.” Zhang Mingjin, a Henan-born youth from Xinjiang in 1993, planted his crops in the summer and carpenter’s work in winter. Is preparing for a big deal, the disaster one after another, first of all