爱有时来得是没有丝毫道理的,但若发生在办公室同事之间,就叫人不得不仔细掂量了。好处: 1.彼此没有距离感,老公老婆秤不离砣,成天厮守,不易花心或感情走私。 2.作息时间一致,上班可以一道走,下班双双把家还,恩爱状惹大家羡慕眼红。 3.工资奖金多少相互一清二楚,无论男女皆无存私房钱之虞。 4.可以节省开支,同事结婚或过生日,夫妻俩只送一份礼金。上下班打车还能省一份车钱。 5.有一道出差的机会,如此一来仿佛家庭旅游,既工作又休闲,办事与游山玩水两不误。
Sometimes love does not make the slightest truth, but if it happens between colleagues in the office, it means that people have to weigh it carefully. Advantages: 1. There is no sense of distance between each other, her husband and wife scales can not be separated, all day long, hardworking or emotional smuggling. 2. schedule of work and rest, go to work can go together, both work from home, graceful provoke everyone jealous. 3. The amount of wage bonuses mutual clarity, both men and women are free from the risk of deposit money. 4. Can save money, colleagues married or birthday, the couple only send a gift. Take a taxi to go to get off work can save a car money. 5. There is a business trip, this way as if family travel, both work and leisure, service and sightseeing are correct.