Somewhere Right NowLori Deschene

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  Somewhere right now, someone out there feels exactly like you do. Someone is thinking that things could be better and wondering if they’ll ever arrive. Someone is remembering how things were before and wondering if they’ll ever let go. Someone is missing someone they love and wondering why they had to know loss. Someone is filled with hope and joy and wondering if it will last.
  Somewhere right now, someone is struggling in much the same way as you. Someone is out of work and cash and wondering what might be next. Someone is waiting for an important call and wondering if it’s best not to know. Someone is walking away from no good and wondering if they can go on. Someone is walking toward something new and wondering if they should turn back.
  Somewhere right now, someone is transforming in much the same way as you. Someone is stretching into a new role and wondering if it feels right. Someone is reaching for a new goal and wondering who they can become. Someone is trying their hardest to create change and wondering if they’re making progress. Someone is getting ready to take a leap and wondering if they’ll feel more alive.
  Despite all our differences, we all deal with the same things, in different times and different ways. We’re all trying our best, learning and growing, and sometimes it can feel like we should be somewhere else—smarter, wiser, further along, or closer to having an answer. But right now in the middle, in the messiness and uncertainty, this is where we all live.
  (Life has its ups and downs. We should learn that fortunate and unfortunate things happen to everyone all the time. )
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