
来源 :西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttingting
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辛亥革命时期,四川各地先后爆发起义并建立了多个军政府。尽管军政府的人员构成有所不同,但它们在四川革命党人的积极推动下,均颁布了一系列政策法令,平定了兵变与各种骚乱,巩固了新生革命政权,恢复了社会秩序,并进行了一定程度的社会改革。同时,由于军政府在革命中采取了较为正确的对外政策,注意对在川外人生命和财产的保护,从而赢得了各国驻川领事与外人对四川辛亥革命的同情与理解,在一定程度上减轻了来自国外对革命的阻力,也改变了中国在西方人眼中的旧有形象。 During the Revolution of 1911, a series of uprisings broke out in various parts of Sichuan Province and a number of military regimes were established. Despite the differences in the composition of the military junta, all of them, with the active promotion of the Sichuan Revolutionaries, have promulgated a series of policies and decrees to calm mutiny and various riots, consolidate the nascent revolutionary regime and restore social order. A certain degree of social reform has taken place. At the same time, as the junta took a relatively correct foreign policy in the revolution and paid attention to the protection of the lives and property of foreigners in Sichuan, it won the sympathy and understanding of the 1911 revolution in Sichuan by the consular and foreign countries stationed in various countries, mitigating to some extent The resistance from abroad to the revolution has also changed the old image of China in the eyes of Westerners.
自2000年Polejaeva I A获得第1头克隆猪后,短短几年时间全世界已有10多例成功的报道.使得猪的体细胞核移植有了长足的发展,但目前猪的体细胞核移植效率依然低下,人们对核移植中重