天麻(Gastrod ia elata B1.)为兰科多年生寄生草本植物,其块茎是名贵常用中药,主要成分为天麻素,味甘,性微寒,有祛风、镇痉功能。用于治疗头昏、眼花、语言蹇瞭、风寒湿痹、四肢拘挛、小儿惊风等症。 1生物学特性 天麻是无根、无绿色叶片,本身没有?
Gastrod ia elata B1. Is a perennial parasitic herb of Orchidaceae. Its tuber is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. Its main component is gastrodin, sweet, slightly cold, expelling wind and antispasmodic function. For the treatment of dizziness, vertigo, language 蹇, and cold dampness, limbs detachment, pediatric shock and other diseases. 1 Biological characteristics Gastrodia is no root, no green leaves, itself not?