恶性网状细胞病 Malignant histiocytosis 是全身网状内皮系统的一种广泛的难以逆转的异常网状细胞增生性疾病。国内自一九五七年至一九八○年不完全统计已有千余例报道,但以眼部症状为首发者国内外报道不多,以眼球突出,眼睑皮肤坏死及睑结膜坏死各一例,作者遇一例以球结膜肿物为首发症的恶网,现报道如下:患者:王××,男,二十一岁,吉林籍,住院号:836394,于1983年五月十日以“右眼球结膜肿物并高热二十余日”入院,人院前二十一日无明显诱因,持读高热、头痛,乏力,纳差,多汗,起病五日,后无意中发现右眼内眦部球结膜有一米粒大小黄褐色肿物,右眼异物感,在该单位医院以“右眼球结膜下脓肿,败血症”诊治,但无明显疗效转入我院。体格检查:T36.6℃.p96次/分 Bp110/70mmHg。营养中等,急性病容,全身皮肤轻度黄染,双颌下及耳前淋巴结肿大,活动度尚可,双肺呼吸音粗,心前区可闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,肝剑下5cm,肋下3cm,脾未触及。
Malignant histiocytosis is a widespread, refractory, reticuloproliferative disorder of the systemic reticuloendothelial system. Domestic statistics from 1957 to 1980 have been more than a thousand cases reported, but the eye symptoms are not many reports at home and abroad, with prominent eyes, eyelid skin necrosis and conjunctiva necrosis of the case of a , The author encountered a case of bulbar conjunctival tumor as the first disease of the evil net, are reported as follows: Patients: Wang XX, male, twenty-one years old, Jilin membership, hospital number: 836394, on May 10, 1983 to “ Right eye conjunctival tumor and hyperthermia twenty days ”admission, hospital without significant incentive on the 21st of the hospital, holding high fever, headache, fatigue, anorexia, hyperhidrosis, onset of five days, after accidentally found the right eye The Ministry of the Ministry of the bulb with a size of a yellow-brown tubercle tumor, right eye foreign body sensation, the unit hospital to “right eye subconjunctival abscess, sepsis” diagnosis and treatment, but no significant effect into our hospital. Physical examination: T36.6 ℃. P96 times / min Bp110 / 70mmHg. Moderate nutrition, acute disease, mild yellowish body skin, double submandibular and ear before the lymph nodes, activity is acceptable, lung breath sounds thick, precordial area can be heard and Ⅲ systolic murmur, Liver Sword 5cm , Ribs 3cm, spleen not touched.