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一、家庭园艺用药的分类在日本近年来随着园艺事业的兴旺,家庭园艺用药剂的市场也得到了切实的发展,许多企业纷纷挤入此行列。目前,使用的药剂以杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂等农药为主,此外还有植物生长调节剂(矮化剂)、扦插促根剂、叶面光亮剂、保水剂、插花保鲜剂及各种肥料等。其中以杀虫剂的需求量最大,今后需求量有望发展的有生长调节剂、插花保鲜剂和促根剂等。 First, the classification of home gardening medication In Japan in recent years with the thriving horticulture, home gardening chemicals market has also been effectively developed, many companies have squeezed into this ranks. At present, the pesticides used are pesticides, bactericides and herbicides. In addition, plant growth regulators (dwarfing agents), cutting root promotion agents, leaf brighteners, water retention agents, floral preservatives, A variety of fertilizers. One of the largest demand for pesticides, the future demand growth is expected to have growth regulators, flower preservatives and promote root and so on.