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自本期起,本刊隆重推出《重庆电视台四年发展计划》一文。作者李晓枫同志就任重庆电视台台长之后仅三个月,北上首都、南下广东、东赴上海进行考察后,结合重庆电视台的实际情况,会同电视台的其他领导同志缜密研究,广泛听取了全台同志的意见后,提出了“以管理为‘重点’,以质量为‘杠杆’,实现跳跃式的大发展”的四年发展规划。果断地将重庆电视台的运作全面纳入社会主义市场经济机制的轨道。以政策调动群众的积极性,以制度管人的作法,在短短的三个月内已经初见成效。十月份重庆电视台又向政府部门主动提出了“断奶断粮”不要财政拨款的要求,义无反顾地将这场改革的试验坚持推广下去。事业单位逐年增强自己养活自己的能力,恐怕已是大势所趋。我们为这些改革的先行者叫好,更希望重庆电视台能够及时总结经验和教训。对此,本刊今后将陆续发表追踪报道。作为“当代电视研究交流”栏目,更欢迎其它各电视台来稿反映改革的动态和举措。 Since this issue, the magazine solemnly launched a “four-year development plan of Chongqing Television Station,” a text. Author Li Xiaofeng Comrade Chongqing TV station assumed office after only three months, north to the capital, south Guangdong, east went to Shanghai for inspection, combined with the actual situation of Chongqing TV station, in conjunction with other leading comrades of television careful study, listened to the comrades of Taiwan After the opinions, put forward the four-year development plan of “taking management as the key point, taking the quality as the lever and realizing the leap-forward development”. Decisively integrate the operation of Chongqing Television Station into the track of the socialist market economic mechanism. With the enthusiasm of the masses in mobilizing the masses through policies and the system of administering people, initial results have been achieved in just three months. In October, Chongqing Television Station again proposed to the government departments the request of “weaning and food supply” not to allocate financial funds, and unswervingly advocated the reform of this experiment. Institutions every year to enhance their ability to feed themselves, I am afraid it is the trend of the times. We applaud the pioneers of these reforms and hope that the Chongqing Television Station will timely summarize the experiences and lessons learned. In response, we will publish follow-up reports in the future. As part of the “Exchange of Contemporary TV Studies”, the contributions of other television stations are all welcome to reflect the dynamics and measures of reform.
五月的青岛,展会经济风起云涌。2008年5月22日至25日,第六届中国国际航海博览会船艇展将在青岛国际会展中心举办,在银海国际游艇俱乐部设立分会场。它将为即将迎来奥帆赛的青岛——这座充满活力的奥运城市,增添上靓丽的一笔。    本届展会将继续围绕“发展奥运经济,打造帆船之都”的主题,突出船艇展,打造中国独具特色的国家级水陆结合的船艇博览会。经过八个月的积极筹备,招展招商和宣传推广工作进展顺利。与前