Scale Effect of Climate and Soil Texture on Soil Organic Carbon in the Uplands of Northeast China

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Understanding how spatial scale inffuences commonly-observed effiects of climate and soil texture on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is important for accurately estimating the SOC pool at different scales. The relationships among climate factors, soil texture and SOC density at the regional, provincial, city, and county scales were evaluated at both the soil surface (0-20 cm) and throughout the soil profile (0-100 cm) in the Northeast China uplands. We examined 1022 profiles obtained from the Second National Soil Survey of China. The results indicated that the relationships between climate factors and SOC density generally weakened with decreasing spatial scale. The provincial scale was optimal to assess the relationship between climate factors and SOC density because regional differences among provinces were covered up at the regional scale. However, the relationship between soil texture and SOC density had no obvious trend with increasing scale and changed with temperature. There were great differences in the impacts of climate factors and soil texture on SOC density at different scales. Climate factors had a larger effect on SOC density than soil texture at the regional scale. Similar trends were seen in Heilongjiang and eastern Inner Mongolia at the provincial scale. But, soil texture had a greater effect on SOC density compared with climate factors in Jilin and Liaoning. At the city and county scales, the inffuence of soil texture on SOC density was more important than climate factors. Understanding so spatial scale inffuences commonly-observed effiects of climate and soil texture on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is important for accurately estimating the SOC pool at different scales. The relationships among climate factors, soil texture and SOC density at the regional, provincial , city, and county scales were evaluated at both the soil surface (0-20 cm) and throughout the soil profile (0-100 cm) in the Northeast China uplands. We examined 1022 profiles obtained from the Second National Soil Survey of China. The results indicated that the relationships between climate factors and SOC density generally weakened with decreasing spatial scale. relationship between soil texture and SOC density had no obvious trend with increasing scale and changed with temperature. There w ere great differences in the impacts of climate factors and soil texture on SOC density at different scales. Climate factors had a larger effect on SOC density than soil texture at the regional scale. Similar trends were seen in Heilongjiang and eastern Inner Mongolia at the provincial scale But, soil texture had a greater effect on SOC density compared with climate factors in Jilin and Liaoning. At the city and county scales, the inffuence of soil texture on SOC density was more important than climate factors.
各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市国家税务局:  全面推开营改增试点以来,一些纳税人以各种理由拒绝开具发票、向受票方额外索要各种证件或证明材料、开具发票内容与实际经营业务情况不符等问题时有发生,影响了购买方及时取得合法有效的发票,损害了其合法权益。同时,个别税务机关还存在税收监管和服务不到位,影响了纳税人取得发票和正常使用发票等问题。为了保障营改增试点工作顺利实施,进一步规范增值税发票使用管理,优化
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梅克夫人做柴科夫斯基的音乐资助人长达14年,后来却突然中断了资助,并断绝了和柴科夫斯基的书信联系;柴科夫斯基为此遭受了很深的心理创伤。  梅克夫人为什么要这样做,这个问题多年来一直令人们不解。本文运用有关最新资料,向读者揭示这个谜。    ★资 助★    梅克夫人是个杰出的女人。她出身贵族,17岁时嫁给了一个受聘于政府的铁路工程师卡尔·冯·梅克。婚后,她说服年薪只有1500卢布的丈夫辞去公职,从